Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My No 10 - The Road

This is my No 10 in Sarah's list -
  • Ask a friend (preferably a person of impeccable taste, and definitely not someone who might have an axe to grind) to choose a book that you will, in their opinion, like 
So I asked a friend with impeccable taste to recommend me a book and he did: The Road.
This book, by American writer Cormac McCarthy was awarded the 2007 Pulitzer prize for Fiction so this made me twice as happy to read it - having in mind my wish to read as many Pulitzer books as possible. Well...to be true to myself I didn't enjoy reading it. I hated reading it, I felt guilty for the comfort of my house, the beauty of my world, the food I was eating, everything I had and they didn't. Father and son in an apocalyptic world, with people turned into animals, people eating babies,cannibals with no trace of compassion, humanity, nothing at all. I felt it was all an enumeration of all the awful, dreadful things that could happen. And I couldn't help myself but feeling optimistic, that things will change at the end of the book and they will reach the coast. A hint of positivity was left with me once I was done. And I am thankful for that. I will not read it again too soon, but I am going to read it again, a bit masochistic, I know. Don't read it if you feel down, don't read it if you are happy, excited or in a good place in your life. Read it when it's quiet and warm and it's snowing outside and read it all at once, like a bitter pill you have to swallow to feel stronger.
I've tried to see the movie, but it was too much for me. Half way through I said enough. Sorry.


  1. Hello,
    I'm in the challenge too.
    I've taken The Road in hand several times in bookstores and each time I put it down thinking I couldn't read that, no matter how good it was supposed to be. Seems I was right.
    I got luckier than you with the friend's choice.

  2. I think you should give it a try, no matter how painful it is. It makes you think.

  3. Hi Lumi. I have just picked up a Pulitzer winner too, (The Shipping News - Annie Proulx) but it will be a more enjoyable read than The Road. I loved The Road and went on to read everything by McCarthy (bar his latest) but you are absolutely right: it is not a book you enjoy. The enjoyment comes from McCarthy's beautiful writing which is why I, also, did not like the film.

    I wish I had read it in one sitting... as you say, it should be read that way.

  4. I am enjoying your challenge and thinking about the next books to choose :) Now I am reading The Grapes of Wrath, I got it from a friend who worked in the US for a month, it's in English so it's going to take me some time to finish it.I loved East of Eden and I am looking forward to reading this one. About The Road, I will read it again but this time I will not pay so much attention to the "action", but to the writing. Not this year though.
