Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Seria neagra - predicatorul (The Preacher)

M-am poticnit cu The Grapes of Wrath - ma incapatanez sa o citesc in engleza si merge greu, greu de tot. Asa ca fac pauze lungi si dese in care citesc altceva. De exemplu - Predicatorul de Camilla Lackberg din Seria neagra de la Editura Trei - a doua din colectia Fjallbacka (7 carti), prima fiind Printesa gheturilor sau Arhitectura iubirii pe care abia am primit-o cadou sau Anna Karenina :) Predicatorul a fost inghitata in 2-3 zile, in metrou, sau seara inainte de culcare. Mi-a placut mai putin ca Printesa, dar tot am fost pentru cateva zile in Suedia investigand crime si descoperind secrete de familie. Asteptam nr 3, mi-e drag de Erika si Patrik si vreau sa vad ce mai fac in urmatoarele carti. Adevarul este ca nu stiu daca nu cumva imi plac mai mult personajele decat actiunea sau cazul in sine. M-am atasat cam mult de orasel (cica 812 locuitori in 2005), de atmosfera din sectia de politie , de casa Erikai :)
  • 2002 - Isprinsessan - The Ice Princess, translated by Steven T. Murray (2008)
  • 2004 - Predikanten - The Preacher, translated by Steven T. Murray (2009)
  • 2005 - Stenhuggaren - The Stonecutter, translated by Steven T. Murray (2010)
  • 2006 - Olycksfågeln - The Jinx, translated by Steven T. Murray (forthcoming)
  • 2007 - Tyskungen - The German Brat
  • 2008 - Sjöjungfrun - The Mermaid
  • 2009 - Fyrvaktaren - The Lighthouse Guardian

Film - must see

                                                            King's Speech

Seara de teatru

la Bulandra - Mamouret

Monday, March 21, 2011

29y and counting

Cadou - Salman Rushdie Copiii din miez de noapte, Pamantul de sub picioarele ei, Orient, Occident, Arhitectura fericirii (Alain de Botton), Agatha Christie - Moarte pe Nil (RAO), HG Wells - Insula doctorului Moreau, Stephen King - Shining, joc Rummy, 212 :), tricou cu pisi ipod, poseta hand made , catelusi suport carte vintage si multe, multe, multe flori :) lalele, irisi, liliac alb, trandafiri, o nebunie :*

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring fair

New acquisition

8 Martie

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pick me, pick me :)

Stiu ca ar trebui sa iau exemplu si sa fac si eu o curatenie de primavara, dar deocamdata nu poc, nu poc sa ma despart de nici o carte sunt un om atat-atat de rau. Dar promit sa o fac cu ocazia unei mutari, da asta este un motiv bun :) Din cartile cadou ale lui Octavian as fi vrut Pulitzerul din 2008  da' n-am fost pe faza, nu-i bai. Ma pun la rand pentru We Need to Talk about Kevindin mai multe motive - Am citit Al cincilea copil acum un an (poate mai bine) dintr-o rasuflare si au ramas multe intrebari in urma ei - Este in limba engleza si rezolutia mea pe 2011 este sa citesc cat mai multe carti in engleza ,- si nu in ultimul rand - urmeaza sa fie ziua mea si e musai sa-mi fac cadou o carte :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seria neagra - printesa gheturilor (The Ice Princess)

I loved Camilla Lackberg's book The Ice Princess
I've read it in a couple of days, on the train and staying at my parents-in-law, it is a blast of a book, totally devoured it.
I will buy the following 6 books of the series (only the second it’s already been translated into Romanian, but I will wait with patience) and I will hope that they are as entertaining as The Ice  Princess.  It is not a literature masterpiece, but a lovely book keeping you in one place for longer and longer that you thought possible. If you like Stig Larsson you like these books. A murder, two murders, family secrets well kept, a nice little town in Sweden, a struggling write , a hard working policeman, a love story. Erica and Patrik discover each other in a romantic manner and I liked their love story as much as I liked the discovery of the murderer.  Camilla Lackberg has a simple, clean strategy of describing each character, in a few lines the reader learns everything that is relevant.  You get hints here and there and the story unfolds in front of your eyes.  The books has funny bits (Patrik’s boss in his megalomania was , to me, funny as Hell, and old man and his nagging wife and his solution to his „situation” J ) , macabre parts (the discovery of the bodies) and frightful episodes (Anna being brutally beaten by her husband).  The book ends giving answers to all the questions and I was happy to see that this is the first in a series.  Looking forward to reading The Preacher.  I don’t know if Erica and Patrik are characters in the next book, but I would love them to be. I only know that all of them are set in the same little town of Fjällbacka. Kinda like St. Mary Mead, but without Miss Marple.

Friday, March 4, 2011


From Mira

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Forteen and a half hours by train - oh the joy! Bucharest - Baia Mare. I'm reading The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg (Sweden).