Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cadouri, bobo si prieteni

Ieri am avut invitati si s-a lasat cu mancare, povesti, ras si voie buna :)  Aperitive cu ce s-a gasit, pulpe de pui cu ciuperci la punga cu cartofi piure si tort Letea. Am capatat un ingeras nou, multumesc, multumesc. D a primit un borcan plin cu cioco, of ce viata! Noi am dat sosete haioase, groase, de iarna.
Am vazut pentru a treia (?) oara The Shawshank Redemption. O data la doi ani merita revazut.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Lighthouse

Am terminat-o aseara si mi-a placut. A fost exact ce ma asteptam si un pic mai mult. PD James este noua mea Agatha Christie :) Reteta clasica are succes la mine si mi-a facut placere sa o citesc mai ales in engleza. Pe o insula izolata unul dintre personaje (cel mai putin agreat) este gasit spanzurat si de aici toata investigatia. Toti aveau motiv sa il ucida, sau sa il impinga la sinucidere, dar toti aveau alibiuri si nici o dorinta sa marturiseasca.

"Would you agree that we ought not to pass on suspicions which might only confuse or mislead and do great damage to the person concerned?"
Dalgliesh said "Suspicion usually has a basis in fact. I need to be told those facts. It's for me to decide their significance, if any." He looked at Boyde and asked bluntly "Father, do you know who killed Nathan Oliver?"
Addressing Boyde as a priest had been involuntary and the word surprised him even as he heard himself speak it. It took him some seconds to realise the significance of what seemed no more than a slip of the tongue. The effect on Boyde was immediate. He looked as Dangliesh with pain-filled eyes which seemed to hold an entreaty. "i swear I don't know. I also swear that I saw no one on the headland."

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nichi and friends

New and last challenge

Not a Rat's Chance in Hell Challenge

10 books, challenge crossover is allowed (I suppose) and dead line the 1st of February 2012 (I guess), if all goes well.
List of required specifications :

"Ten unique and distinct books are required.
  1. A book that has been previously abandoned
  2. A re-read. Didn’t quite get it/thought there was more/made promise to self to re-read? Time to make good.
  3. A book that has sat on the shelf, like, forever. (Decades.)
  4. A book that paralyses one with dread.
  5. Investigate a canonical writer hitherto most shamefully overlooked.
  6. Seek out a book by an author who has earned ostracism by being so good that any further novel could surely never measure up…?
  7. And the opposite… That author who was supposed to be really good, but didn’t go down too well? Give him/her another go!
  8. Take a chance. Read a book which you would rather not. For instance when the OH says ‘you’ll really like this’ and you’re thinking ‘no, I really won’t…’
  9. A book from an unfamiliar genre.
  10. Ask a friend (preferably a person of impeccable taste, and definitely not someone who might have an axe to grind) to choose a book that you will, in their opinion, like. (This does not mean ask a dozen people until you get the right answer!)"
 Thank you Sarah for hosting this challenge!

So far I've got:
The Master and Margarita – didn’t really get it the first time, so it is a likely candidate for no 2 or 4, I’m not sure right now :)
no 1 – The Truth about Sascha Knisch ( I abandoned it half way)
no 3 – Anna Karenina – I have it in my library for a couple of years and I never took interest in it, but it’s about time
no 6 – Lisa’s breath by Karel G van Loon or The Invisible Ones
no 10 is pending ...
and I think that for n5 I'll go with Ernest Hemingway - is he canonical writer ? I most definitely overlooked him :D 
Anyone else wanna join ? Come on , an year is a looong time :) and I might need support from time to time. It's not like you (yes you) don't read, you might as well do it for a challenge.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Day And Night Pixar short film - must, must see - pur si simplu mi-a infrumusetat ziua!
Lioness shows trust in man - pisi :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Incercarea moarte n-are si iar carti

In aseara asta am facut bobo. Cateodata ne palesc poftele si se intampla sa avem toate ingredientele la indemana :)Tort cu cappuccino, reteta este din Calendarul Good Food 2011 propunerea pentru luna ianuarie si cum suntem in ianuarie si e un tort cu crema mascarpone...well, nu aveam nici o scuza sa nu-l incerc.Varianta originala (direct din revista) si varianta home made, man made :)) - cum mi-a iesit mie. Da, amuzati-va ! Gust grozav, aspect care lasa de dorit, dar nu e ca si cum as fi vreo experta in ornat torturi. Aroma de cafea, yami si buna. Nu stiu de ce blaturile mele nu au iesit asa bronzate, dar cui ii pasa?!
Cartile de la bookdepository au ajuns de la birou, acasa.

Girls' night out - take 2!

Aseara s-a lasat cu vin fiert (gut, gut, gut, very gut), pizza (yami) si bere (brrr pe frigul asta) in Waldo's. Suntem deja la a doua editie, suntem mai multe, martea viitoare vom si mai multe si in curand vom cuceri lumea :) Muahahaha!
Clip funny for you

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Book no 4 is in the house! Abia astept sa o citesc, abia astept! Fontul este marunt de tot, dar nu-i bai, o voi citi cu drag. E vorba de Let The Great World Spin de Colum McCann. Citind despre ea pe blogul joacadeamine mi-am dorit tot mai mult sa o am si sa o citesc. Am citit acum mai bine de un an Istoria Iubirii de Nicole Krauss  si mi-ar placea sa regasesc in In goana nebuna a lumii, acelasi sentiment.
Note to self - schimba-ti ochelarii!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Dear mathematicians,
We would like to inform you that X always equals ten.
The Romans


Aseara voiam ceva bun, cum nu aveam chef de chec, tarta sau briose am zis sa incerc sa fac niste batoane de fulgi. Am zis ce o fi o fi, aveam toate ingredientele more or less , reteta era de mult timp in retetar, dar o neglijasem, aseara i-a venit randul.  Stiam ca lui D nu-i vor placea pentru ca hotarasem deja sa folosesc stafide in loc de cranberries deshidratate, care erau folosite in reteta de baza si el nu e fan stafide - asa ca tot ce faceam era pentru mine (muahahahaaaa) si pentru colegii de la birou (victime ale experimentelor mele culinare). Reteta este aici. Am folosit ciocolata alba Primola, stafide, fulgi Fortza Titan si miere de salcam.  Se fac foarte repede, dar trebuie sa stea in frigider cam o ora, eu am fost curioasa si dupa 45 de min am dat iama in ele :) Criticii spun ca au fost dulci, dar bune, data viitoare incerc cu ciocolata normala, miere poliflora si poate gasesc craberries deshidratate (nu-s asa dulci ca stafidele).
In alta ordine de idei, azi dimineata cand am ajuns la birou imi sosisera cartile comandate la Bookdepository in Anglia. Au venit doar 3 din 4, sper ca si a 4-a sa soseasca saptamana asta. Au venit direct la adresa indicata de mine, nu la Posta, ceea ce este super si sunt ambalate individual, fiecare intr-un plic. Am zis ca ma potolesc cu achizitiile pana la Bookfest in iunie, ma pun cu burta pe citit. Inca sunt la The Lighthouse, este in British English si merge mai greu. Am descoperit in biblioteca proprietarilor o carte de Pearl S Buck, am trecut-o pe lista scurta.(Vânt de Răsărit, Vânt de la Apus.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson - Relator 

I love it!

Carti - anticariat

Azi a sosit coletul cu cea mai recenta comanda de carti - de data asta de la Am facut o mega selectie, o ultra selectie si azi le-am primit pe toate, teanc.

Eu, Claudius, imparat...- Robert Graves
Cazul Grover Station - Willa Cather
Mama- Pearl S. Buck
Laureatii Premiului Nobel pentru Literatura
Pamint sterp - Ellen Glasgow
Couples – (eng) John Updike
Centaurul - John Updike
Carpaciul - Bernard Malamud , traducere de Antoaneta Ralian – Pulitzer (1967)
Orasul visurilor spulberate - John Cheever
Blandetea noptii - Francis Scott FITZGERALD
Pamint american- Erskine Caldwell
The call of the wild - Jack London
Babbitt - Sinclair Lewis (eng)
Sufletul omului - Edith Wharton
Negrul de pe 'Narcis' - Joseph Conrad
Floarea intunecata - John Galsworthy
Surisul Giocondei  - Aldoux Huxley
Ce stia Maisie - Henry James

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Movie night

Abia ne-am intors de la film, am fost la Cinema Pro si am vazut The Dilemma - ma asteptam sa fie mai comedie, dar a fost OK, foarte potrivit pentru o seara de miercuri. PS: Zip este tipul din Dear John.

Cado' de la D

My new girly mouse!

Nu-i asa ca e dragut ?

Girls' night out

Kind reminder - Ne vedem pe 25 la Waldo's

Porcelain Revised Score

Short heartfelt movie - link

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pulitzer Project

Ideea este sa citesc cat mai multe carti care au primit premiul Pulitzer. Nu le voi cauta, voi astepta sa vina ele la mine asa cum s-a intamplat cu Middlesex (2003) prima carte citita din cele de mai jos si cea care m-a facut sa ma gandesc la proiectul asta si cu Un deces in familie (1958) care mi-a placut, desi mi-a parut rau ca am citit descrierea scurta de pe coperta 4, spoiler total. Urmatoarea pe lista este Pe aripile vantului - o voi incepe pe 1 februarie cand incepe Chunkster Challenge si mi-as dori sa apara in calea mea si Fructele maniei. Abia am terminat La rasarit de Eden si m-am indragostit de John Steinbeck. Nu exista termen limita, nici un fel de presiune, de stres. Este un proiect de luuuunga durata drag mie.


Aseara am fost la minunatul film Concertul regizat de Radu Mihaileanu. Film nominalizat la Globul de Aur. Vazusem trailerul, intelesesem despre ce este vorba, dar filmul, oh filmul, mi-a placut la nebunie! L-am vazut la Glendale, cinematograf curat, intim, scaune mari si comode. Sunetul a fost un pic cam tare, dar nu le poti avea pe toate, nu ? Pentru mine filmul a insemnat: "Urmeaza-ti visul!", oameni care fac prin muzica ceva extraordinar, prieteni, dragoste si sprijin in familie, talent innascut alaturi de ani de studiu si de munca, pasiune si obsesie pentru perfectiune.
Muzica - Tchaikovsky Concert pentru vioara.

Monday, January 17, 2011

De pe net

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5-year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.
In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th"with "z" and "w" with "v".
During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.
Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Ingeras - ianuarie 2011 de la M ( Sarra Blu) 

 Am multi ingerasi, intr-o zi voi avea rabdare sa ii fotografiez si sa scriu de la cine si de unde ii am.

Chunkster - list (in progress)

1. Pe aripile vantului
2. Fall of Giants
3. Shantaram ?

Saturday, January 15, 2011


     Rezolutie de an nou - sa citesc mai mult si mai bine.Drept pentru care ma voi inscrie la Chunkster Challange  la nivelul 3 Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big? - this option is for the reader who can't resist bigger and bigger books and wants to commit to SIX Chunksters from the following categories:  
2 books which are between 450 - 550 pages in length
2 books which are 551 - 750 pages in length;  
2 books which are GREATER than 750 pages in length
Pentru ca suna cel mai haios, dar si pentru ca am deja 2 carti in plan care intra la categoria - mai mari de 750pag :) 
Pe aripile vantului (din colectia Adevarul verde - 2 volume, sper din tot sufletul sa fie o traducere buna) si Fall of Giants - Ken Follet (in engleza) - luata din Spania anul trecut . Stiu ca mai mult nu inseamna musai mai bine, dar voi incerca sa aleg carti bune, pe care nu le-am citit pana acum din delasare. Ar mai fi si Shantaram (2 vol) cumparate de anul trecut si neincepute
Alta rezolutie de an nou este sa citesc mai mult in engleza - si asta va fi my own challenge, The Lighthouse de PD James  este pe lista scurta, primita cadou de Craciun de la C.
 Si voi fi in continuare interesata de cartile care au luat  Premiul Pulitzer.

1. Anna Karenina (Adevarul - 960 pagini) 
2. Cartea soaptelor by Varujan Vosganian (Polirom 528 pagini) trad The Book of Whispers
3. Casa de lut  - 3 volume - The Good Earth 438p, Sons 560p, A House Divided 393p - 1391p 
4. Alegerea Sofiei - Editura ART - 712 pagini
5. Sa ucizi o pasare cantatoare - 493 pagini 
6. Cioplitorul in piatra - 597 pagini